White Lightning Shocks, Fawn Dream Realizations,Khaki Focussed Discipline

This week coming is an opportunity to activate your awareness by welcoming the disturbances in your life as your teachers.  “Life as the teacher” a great truism bandied about.  But how often do we experience it as a truth?  When Lightning strikes and the blow is delivered, how easy is it to embrace and see it as an evolutionary opportunity?

This is when the Fawn Colour Ray comes to the rescue.  In the dream time, in our forays into multiple dimensions when we sleep, we can find the answers and healing to issues that arise in daily life. Before you set off to dream, state your intention as if you were making a shamanic journey: “I intend to meet my teachers in my dream state to explore the issue coming up today to learn and integrate the teaching and to remember the teaching before I awake.”

When you arise, have the Khaki discipline to jot down your dreams.  And then later review your notes and journey further if need be. Ask for that dream each night until you get it and remember it.

I had the great pleasure in a dream the other morning where I was in some dimension of old Tibet or monks in the Himalayas, droning and chanting with them.  I remember past lives there.  The peace and serenity of the sonorous chants wove a state of deep relaxation and grace into my very being.

Upon arising in this reality, I heard someone in my neighbourhood was working with a chainsaw. I love the ways the worlds overlap, when chainsaws become chanting and chanting melds into the drone of chainsaws. I was very tickled and considered my practise of transfiguring with divine light is obviously having a good impact.

I met with the Shamanic Practitioner Apprentices a few weeks ago and we covered the component of Extraction and Healing with Spiritual Light. Everyone was buzzing after the 5 days and the Light was overflowing abundantly. I reviewed Healing with Spiritual Light in the Tuesday Rainbow Circle here in Lyme and we again had a brilliant time and everyone was vibrating with ecstatic juice.  Yes the ecstatic present!

People loved the fact that by merging with their own Divinity they could offer healing without seeming to do anything, but rather just sink deeply into “Being”. Moving away from the Newtonian model and into the quantum field, we practiced raising our energy and delighting in our own divine juice.  When we merged with our truest potential, we generated the resonance with the limitless quantum field of love light and healing – where everything comes into harmony spontaneously.  It felt good and it was fun.

Adrian Beckingham, the man from story mountain, who has visited indigenous peoples around the world and learned stories from them, came to the circle. He shares some of those stories in his book called “Stories that crafted the Earth” which you can find out about here: http://www.themanfromstorymountain.org.uk

So all is moving along beautifully and in a few day’s time we are beginning the next Colour Athenaeum. This on line home study course is described in more detail here.   It is not too late to join us if you are interested but act fast if you are.

The mists have been coming off the sea the last few days.  Sap is rising and the sweet smell of spring has been intermingled with the salty air.  Crocus, snow drops, daffodils….It is a good time to be alive!

I see you in your divine radiance, like the flowers, shining,

With love,


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